Today was a day to rearrange furniture. The garden storage bench which I was kindly given in the Autumn has been assembled and been in the kitchen for the past couple of months or so where it has been a surprisingly useful addition - if a bit odd looking in the setting.

So I ordered a proper kitchen dining bench yesterday; and today I took the garden storage bench to the Hill. The idea is that the few things that have been kept in the shed (rather on its last legs)....
.....will now be kept in the bench, which will have the added advantage of providing a handy place to sit. Turned to be a bit of a fail on the first point, as both of my hoes are too long to fit in *sigh
No matter, the overall plan is a good one - and the shed will take it's final journey to the tip next weekend now that I have emptied it and evicted all the spiders, snails, woodlice, a few worms, and a sleepy wasp. At least dismantling is unlikely to cause any great difficulties.

I dug some potatoes to take home - they are magnificently preserved, and have none of the slug damage that the first and second earlies had last year. Hurrah! The variety is Carolous, and although waxy, so didn't make the best roasties this evening, are certainly worth growing again.