At the Hill this week, the one job of most pressing importance was to plant the potatoes that I'd intended to do last weekend, but hadn't.
But instead of banging straight on in with that when I arrived in the afternoon sunshine yesterday, I got the spade and fork out and had another crack at getting the wild area by the bench into better order.
To this end, I dug out some of the blackberry-intent-on-world-domination roots, and clods of grass, raspberry suckers and dandelions. I slogged away at this for about an hour and made a rough job of about 3 square feet. Oh well, no one said it would be either quick or easy.
Then I got sidetracked with the easy option of raking the front bed that I'd prepped last week and filling it with a row of parsnip, a row of leek and a row of carrot seed.
And I dug some potatoes, and pulled a few leeks, and decided that was enough for the session and came home. Another day, and all that....
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