Welcome to our plot!

I'm Hazel, and in Nov 2006 my friend Jane and I took on a half plot at Hill Allotments, Sutton Coldfield - we want the satisfaction of growing and eating our own fruit and veg, and to improve our diet (and fitness!).

This is the story of what happened next...........

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Disaster strikes!

Oh-oh! It was all going so well too!

I’ve had half a dozen BROAD BEANS (crimson flowered) growing in mum’s garden in order that I’d get pure seed from them for next year, but I had a phone call from her yesterday querying what she should do with ‘all these black pods that look like they’ve split open…’

I hot-footed it round there in the dusk, & managed to salvage just two pods – that’s precisely six beans for next year. Boo!

Better news at the Hill tonight (Hazel 5, caterpillars 0) where I cut off all the potato haulms in preparation for digging them up at the weekend, & I picked a cycle basket full of FRENCH BEANS (barlotto de fuoco), & a few RUNNER BEANS (reg-next-plot) to have for tea.

I also picked a couple of TOMATO (bloody butcher) – none of these will make it home at this rate.

Unusually, neighbour Ted was also at the Hill this evening – he was thinning out some lettuce & he told me that they’d had their first sweetcorn this week – ours are not quite ready, but perhaps will be in the next week or so along with a second row of very healthy looking carrots, so it’s still good news overall…


  1. Panic not - I've got spare crimson flowered if you'd like some Hazel.

    Annoying though isn't it? My Latvian peas had started to split - a couple of days earlier they were soggy from all the rain! I gathered all that were left and it's a HUGE quantity. It looked worse than it was.

  2. Oh thank you, Flum! I would love some if you have spare - that's very kind!

    Typically, the 'work-a-day' broadies that I've left to go to seed at the Hill are no where near splitting, so I thought I had plenty of time...

    Some of the beans must be in the ground, which should come up next year, but I don't rate their chances as mum's a bit of a demon with the hoe!


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