Welcome to our plot!

I'm Hazel, and in Nov 2006 my friend Jane and I took on a half plot at Hill Allotments, Sutton Coldfield - we want the satisfaction of growing and eating our own fruit and veg, and to improve our diet (and fitness!).

This is the story of what happened next...........

Sunday, March 03, 2024


It's been mild on the whole over the past few weeks with bucketfuls of rain, but today it was crisp and sunny.  The blossom on the blackthorns can only mean that Spring is round the corner (and sloe gin season could be a good one!).

A late afternoon visit it the Hill meant that I had the place to myself, which was just as well as my first job was with a spade, noisily scraping the mud, weeds and moss off the slabs which form the path.

Next up was to dig over one of the vacant beds (accompanied by a robin) where a couple of weeks ago I'd emptied a dalek composter and roughly spread the contents.  The ground is v wet, so the forking over rather heavy going, but its a job done. 

Third job of the afternoon was to sow some broad beans.  Probably should have waiting until the ground was a bit drier, but something I have learnt is that time whizzes by, so you have to take the opportunity to do things when you can, rather than perhaps when you should.

With dusk fast approaching, I picked some kale and dug almost the tail end of the leeks - the winter crops have been so good this year - before packing up and leaving the bossy robin to it.  



  1. you have to take the opportunity to do things when you can, rather than perhaps when you should.

    Wise words which had already been selected as the probably mantra for gardening at Bag End this year. I am resigned to knowing I am probably going to have to do things at the wrong time this year, or else not do them at all, and unless I want this patch to go totally feral doing nothing is not an option.

    1. You have rather more ground to keep in order than I do, of course - but even on my smaller scale, the 'doing nothing' isn't an option either, unless I want to be booted off the plot!


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