I took a deep breath and got stuck straight in with digging the runner bean bear pit, & have a newly acquired respect for builders’ labourers.
Just as I finished, the lady & a girl from the stables rolled up in a Land Rover & trailer full of bags of horse manure for unloading by the skip. I gave them a hand to unload & picked out a few choice bags of straw for the trench & started to empty the others into the skip.
Mike the treasurer arrived (so I got a heap of brownie points with the committee for this community work!), & it was short work between the two of us to finish the job.
Jane & E arrived with shiny new spade, hoe & secateurs & with the three of us it was an easy job to empty the straw, massive dug-up beetroot, surplus dug-up leaf beet and a huge black bag of paper shreddings into the trench & fill it back in with the soil.
It looked spookily like a freshly dug grave (albeit a rather long & narrow one), a view which was not helped when we marked the trench with a few token bean stick crosses so we know where to find it again at runner bean sowing time.
E did a marvellous job preparing the soil for a half row of BROAD BEANS (aguadulce) – our first sowing! – & we covered this & the other half row with some fleece which I found in the garage which I hope will give them a winning start in life.
The other half pack of bean seeds will be sown in a couple of weeks time & it’ll be interesting to see if this stab at successional sowing works, or if the later ones catch up anyway.
Jane let E trim our few straggly raspberry canes with new ultra sharp secateurs whilst we cleared up & she managed to complete the job with a full compliment of fingers – which quite surprised me.
Although this huge dig has left me – predictably – knackered (& smelling of horse sh*t), the job was actually easier than I thought that it would be, & now we have a virtually bare plot ready to go.
It’ll be great, of course, when this is a virtually full plot, but I think that the majority of the hard work is done now, & with the garlic planted out & the first of the seeds in, this marks a significant step forwards!
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