Plenty more in the way of sowing this week – my sowing plan goes something like:
- Things which all come ready at once & don’t stand for very long (e.g. lettuce, cauliflower, radish etc) – sow once a month
- Things which all come ready at once but will keep going for a bit/stand for a while without spoiling (e.g. beans, peas, carrots, spring onions, leek etc) – sow 2 or 3 times
- Things which are harvested all at the same time, or stand till you want them (e.g. parsnip, onion, garlic, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, beetroot – sow once in Feb/March, or April
So the February sowings are all completed – LEEK (mrs d), BROAD BEANS (barry plot 19), PEA (hsl gladstone & hsl newick), SPRING ONION (white lisbon) in the second category, & PARSNIPS (hsl Guernsey), TOMATO (various), PEPPER (various), SHALLOTS (hative de niort), CELERY (lathom sef blanching galaxy) & CELERIAC (monarch f1) in the third.
My, such organisation!
I’ve also had a bumper sowing session of annual flowers into modules. Buying bedding plants was an expense last year, & an avoidable one at that – the module trays have cost me a grand total of £1.49, & all the seeds having come from seed swaps over the past couple of months.Other ‘home’ activities have been getting a batch of grapefruit wine underway & obsessively frequent scrutiny of all the seed trays (most of the tomatoes are up & running). No sign of the SHALLOT (pw banana) or PARSNIP (h white gem) seeds coming to anything as yet – I would have expected to see some signs of life by now in these.
At the Hill, I’ve decided that I don’t have the heart to whack the last two raised beds (a1 & a2) through the onions & the garlic, so their construction will come about later in the year, once the bed is clear.
I used the decidedly Spring-like day on Saturday to level & rake all the paths, ready for the weed suppressant. I added a dozen bags of manure to beds b1 & b2 where the potatoes will be (& a bag to each of the compost bins, which I didn’t think would do them any harm) & then dug all of the beds over ready for planting.Whilst I had the spade handy, I dug up some JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES for tea along with a PARSNIP (white gem) & a couple of BRUSSELS SPROUTS (Falstaff) plants (which where a casualty of the construction of bed d1).
Once the beds are completed, of course, I can turn my attention to the area of the plot up by the compost bins & the shed – which will lend itself very well to fruit growing. Speaking of which, it’s heartening to see the current bushes breaking into leaf, & the rhubarb only a week or two away from the plate…
What a lovely sowing plan (do you know how hard it is not to type sewing plan??). Cross fingers for me that next year I'll be doing the same thing.
ReplyDeleteHope your're feeling better.
Well I am absolutely sure that you could squeeze in the odd pot of tomatoes if nothing else, Bilbo - go on, you know that your green fingers are itching to!
ReplyDeleteNeck much improved, thank you - I suspect that if I did more stretching and less diving straight in, I would be a lot more mobile!
Glad that you are being so industrious, we went to the pub to see Badger on his birthday - such strenuous work!!